About Musicstax

For the past 5 years, Musicstax.com has been a leading website for finding the key and tempo of any song. As well as that we have also collected a large amount of data.

We hold an enormous amount of data

60 million key/tempos analyzed

We have analyzed and saved the key, tempo and musical analysis of over 60 million songs, giving us one of the richest databases of musical analysis in the world.

1.5 billion Spotify popularity scores

We’ve saved over 1.5 billion popularity scores of songs over the past 1.5 years, giving us one of the best datasets for seeing trends of music over time.

A rich dataset

We’ve saved our data in a way which allows us to easily work with you to find the data you want. Want to know the most common tempo of a certain year? The most popular song each year?

Musicstax is opening up our API for access for people wanting to integrate with our services. This allows you to use endpoints such as the ability to get the key/tempo of songs, find similar songs, get historical popularity scores and more.

Next steps

If you want to work with Musicstax and use our API, or access some of our data, follow the steps below.